Published peer-reviewed articles

Murphy, G. & Greene, C.M. (2024). A functional approach to memory “errors” (and why technology need not doom us all). In press at Psychological Inquiry.

Schincariol, A., Otgaar, H., Greene, C.M., Murphy, G. Riesthuis, P., Mangiulli, I. & Battista, F. (2024). Fake memories: A meta-analysis on the effect of fake news on the creation of false memories and false beliefs. Memory, Mind & Media, 3:e17.

Brassil, M., O’Mahony, C.J. & Greene, C.M. (2024). Do cognitive abilities reduce eyewitness’ susceptibility to the misinformation effect? A systematic review. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review.

King, N. & Greene, C.M. (2024). Susceptibility to cancer misinformation: Predictors of false belief and false memory formation. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 38(1): e4184.

Rodas, J.A., Asimakopoulou, A.A. & Greene, C.M. (2024). Improving Working Memory with Computerised Cognitive Training: Evidence From a Meta-analysis. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review.

Greene, C.M., Ryan, K., Ballantyne, L., Barrett, E., Cowman, C., Dawson, C., Huston, C., Maher, J., & Murphy, G. (2024). Unringing the bell: Successful debriefing following a rich false memory study. Memory and Cognition. Preprint:

Delaney, T., Castillo, L., Friehs, M.A., Buttlar, B. & Greene, C.M. (2024). Us vs. Them: The Role of National Stereotypes in the Formation of False Memories for Fake News. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 30(1), 33–47.

Schacter, D.L., Greene, C.M. & Murphy, G. (2024). Bias and constructive processes in a self-memory system. Memory, 32(6): 656-665.

Murphy, G., de Saint Laurent, C., Reynolds, M., Aftab, O., Hegarty, K. Sun, Y. & Greene, C.M. (2023). What do we study when we study misinformation? A scoping review of experimental research (2016-2022). Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Misinformation Review,

Murphy, G. & Greene, C.M. (2023). Conducting Ethical Misinformation Research: Deception, Dialogue, & Debriefing. Current Opinion in Psychology, 54, 101713.

Murphy, G. & Greene, C.M. (2023). Conducting inter-institutional collaborative replication studies as student projects. Irish Journal of Education, 46(2), 1-14.

Murphy, G., Loftus, E., Levine, L. J., Grady, R. H., & Greene, C. M. (2023). Weak correlations among 13 episodic memory tasks related to the same public event. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 37(5), 1045-1058.

Greene, C. M., Levine, L. J., Loftus, E. F., & Murphy, G. (2023). Just as I expected? Hindsight bias for the outcome of a national referendum is moderated by outcome valence and surprise. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 37(5), 1016-1026.

Murphy, G., Dawson, C.,Ballantyne, L., Barrett, E., Cowman, C., Fitzsimons, C., Huston, C., Maher, J., Ryan, K. & Greene, C.M. (2023). Lost in the mall again: a preregistered replication and extension of Loftus & Pickrell (1995). Memory, 31(6), 818-830,

Murphy, G., Dawson, C.,Ballantyne, L., Barrett, E., Cowman, C., Fitzsimons, C., Huston, C., Maher, J., Ryan, K. & Greene, C.M. (2023). How do participants feel about the ethics of rich false memory studies? Memory,

Greene, C.M. & Murphy, G. (2023). Debriefing works: Successful retraction of misinformation following a fake news study. PLOS ONE.

Greene, C.M. de Saint Laurent, C., Murphy, G., Prike, T., Hegarty, K. & Ecker, U.K.H. (2022). Best practices in misinformation research: A scoping review and critical commentary. European Psychologist Preprint:

de Saint Laurent, C., Murphy, G., Hegarty, K. & Greene, C.M. Measuring the effects of misinformation exposure and belief on behavioural intentions (2022). Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 7(87), 1-19.

Greene, C.M., de Saint Laurent, C., Hegarty, K. & Murphy, G. (2022). False memories for true and false vaccination information form in line with pre-existing vaccine opinions. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 36(6), 1200-1208. DOI:

Greene, C.M., Donnelly, O., Garvin, C. & Murphy, G. Investigating false memories among “winners” and “losers” using the Prisoner’s Dilemma. Memory, 30(10): 1334: 1348.

Rodas, Jara-Rizzo, Greene, Morta-Herrera & Oleas (2021). Cognitive emotion regulation strategies used by healthy adults during lockdown due to COVID-19. International Journal of Psychology, 57(3): 315-324.

Rodas, J.A. & Greene, C.M. (2021). Working memory training does not improve executive functioning or fluid intelligence. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 75(4), 666–679.

Friehs, M.A., Greene, C.M., Pastötter, B. (2021). Transcranial direct current stimulation differentially affects true and false memories in the DRM task. European Journal of Neuroscience, 54(2): 4609-4620.

Greene, C.M. & Murphy, G. (2021). Quantifying the effects of fake news on behaviour: Evidence from a study of COVID-19 misinformation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. Publisher’s version. Preprint.

Greene, C.M., Nash, R. & Murphy, G. (2021). Misremembering Brexit: Partisan bias and individual predictors of false memories for fake news stories among Brexit voters. Memory. Publisher’s version. Preprint.

Greene, C.M. Murphy, G., Bradshaw, R. & Huston, C. (2021). The medium and the message: Comparing the effectiveness of six methods of misinformation delivery in an eyewitness memory paradigm. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. Publisher’s version. Preprint.

Levine, L.J., Murphy, G., Lench, H.C., Greene, C.M., Loftus, E., Tinti, C., Schmidt, S., Muzzulini, B., Hofstein-Grady, R., Stark, S.M. & Stark, C.E.L. (2021). Remembering Facts versus Feelings in the Wake of Political Events. Cognition and Emotion, 35(5): 936-955.

Greene, C.M., Broughan, J., Hanlon, A., Keane, S, Hanrahan, S., Kerr, S. & Rooney, B. (2021). The third dimension of visual search: Effects of monoscopic and stereoscopic cues to depth on the validity of Feature Integration Theory and Perceptual Load Theory. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 748.

Greene, C.M. & Murphy, G. (2020) Individual differences in false memory for COVID-19 fake news. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 5(1), 63. Publisher’s VersionPreprint.

Corboy, H. Blanco-Campal, A., Bramham, J., Bates, R., Libon, D. & Greene, C.M. (2020). The EirPrVLT: Development and normative data for an English in Ireland version of the Philadelphia Verbal Learning Test. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. Link

Murphy, G. Loftus, E.F., Grady, R.H.., Levine, L.J. & Greene, C.M. (2020). Fool Me Twice: How effective is debriefing in false memory studies? Memory. Link

Murphy, G. Loftus, E.F., Grady, R.H.., Levine, L.J. & Greene, C.M. (2020). Misremembering Motives: The Unreliability of Voters’ Memories of the Reasons for their Vote. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. Link

Farina, F.R. & Greene, C.M. (in press). Examining the effects of memory specificity and perceptual load on susceptibility to misleading informationApplied Cognitive Psychology, 34: 928– 938. Publisher’s version. Preprint

Greene, Maloney-Derham & Mulligan (2020). Effects of perceptual load on eyewitness memory are moderated by individual differences in cognitive ability. Memory, 28(4), 450-460. Publisher’s version. Preprint

Ó Donnchadha, S., Bramham, J. & Greene, C.M. (2020). Rethinking the association between overweight/obesity and ADHD in children and adolescents; a longitudinal and biopsychosocial perspective. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine. Publisher’s version. Preprint

Greene, C.M., Suess, E., Kelly, Y. & (2020). Autistic traits do not affect emotional face processing in a general population sample. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 50(8), 2673-2684Publisher’s version. Preprint

Murphy G, Loftus E, Hofstein-Grady R, Levine L & Greene C.M. (2019). False memories for fake news during Ireland’s abortion referendum. Psychological Science. DOI: 10.1177/0956797619864887. Link

Murphy, G. & Greene, C.M. (2017). Load theory behind the wheel; Perceptual and cognitive load effects. The Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. Special issue on Everyday Attention. DOI: 10.1037/cep0000134. Link

Greene, C.M., Murphy, G. & Januszewski, J. (2017). Under high perceptual load, observers look but do not see. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 31(4): 431-437. DOI: 10.1002/acp.3335. Link

Murphy, G. & Greene, C.M. (2017). Visual feature vs. conjunction searches as a robust manipulation of perceptual load. The Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 29(3): 305-326. DOI: 10.1080/20445911.2016.1256888. Link

Murphy, G. & Greene, C.M. (2017). The elephant in the road: Auditory perceptual load affects driver perception & awareness. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 31 (2): 258-263. Link

O’Connell, A. & Greene, C.M. (2016). Not strange but not true: Self-reported interest in a topic increases false memory. Memory, 25(8): 969-977. DOI: 10.1080/09658211.2016.123765. Link

Murphy, G. & Greene, C.M. (2016). Perceptual load affects eyewitness accuracy and susceptibility to leading questions. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:1322. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01322 Link

Jollans, L., Zhipeng, C., Icke, I., Greene, C.M., Kelly, C., Banaschewski, T…. & Whelan, R. (2016). Ventral striatum connectivity during reward anticipation in adolescent smokers. Developmental Neuropsychology, 41(1-2): 6-21. DOI:10.1080/87565641.2016.1164172. Link

Murphy, G. & Greene, C.M. (2016). Perceptual Load Induces Inattentional Blindness in Drivers. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 30(3): 479-483. DOI: 10.1002/acp.3216. Link

Murphy, G., Groeger, J.A. & Greene, C.M. (2016). Twenty Years of Load Theory – Where Are We Now and Where Should We Go Next? Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 23 (5): 1316-1340. Link

Murphy, G. & Greene, C.M. (2015). High perceptual load causes inattentional blindness and deafness in drivers. Visual Cognition, 23(7): 810-814. Link

Greene, C.M., Kennedy, K. & Soto, D. (2015). Dynamic states in working memory modulate guidance of visual attention: evidence from an n-back paradigm. Visual Cognition, 23(5), 546-560. Link

Greene, C.M., Vidaki, K., & Soto, D. (2015). Fractionating the neural substrates of incidental recognition memory. Learning & Memory, 22(1), 24-30. Link

 Greene, C.M., Flannery, O. & Soto, D. (2014). Distinct parietal sites mediate the influences of mood, arousal, and their interaction on human recognition memory. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioural Neuroscience, 14(4), 1327-1339. Link

Greene, C.M. & Soto, D. (2014). Functional connectivity between ventral and dorsal frontoparietal networks underlies stimulus-driven bottom-up and memory-driven top-down sources of visual distraction. NeuroImage, 84(1): 290:298. Link

Rose, E.J., Morris, D.W., Hargreaves, A., Fahey, C. Greene, C. Garavan, H., Gill, M. Corvin, A. & Donohoe, G. (2013). Neural effects of the CSMD1 genome-wide associated schizophrenia risk variant rs10503253. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 162B(6), 530-7. Link

Soto, Greene, C.M., Kiyonaga, A., Rosenthal, C. & Egner, T. (2012). A Parieto-Medial Temporal Pathway for the Strategic Control over Working Memory Biases in Human Visual Attention. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(49), 17563-17571. Link 

Greene, C.M. & Soto, D. (2012). Neural repetition effects in the medial temporal lobe complex are modulated by previous encoding experience. PLoS ONE 7(7):e40870. Link

Rose, E. J., Morris, D. W., Fahey, C., Robertson, I. H., Greene, C., O’Doherty, J., … & Donohoe, G. (2012). The effect of the neurogranin schizophrenia risk variant rs12807809 on brain structure and function.Twin Research and Human Genetics15(03), 296-303. Link

Soto, D., Greene, C.M., Chaudhary, A., & Rotshtein, P. (2012). Competition in working memory reduces frontal guidance of visual selection. Cerebral Cortex, 22(5): 1159-69. Link

Rose, E.J., Greene, C.M., Kelly, S., Morris, D., Robertson, I.H., Fahey, C., Jacobson, S., O’Doherty, J., Newell, F., Gallagher, L., Bodke, A., Garavan, H., Frodl, T., Gil, M. & Donohoe, G. (2012). The NOS1 polymorphism rs6490121 is associated with variation in prefrontal function and gray matter density in healthy individuals. NeuroImage, 60(1):614-622. Link 

Greene, C.M., Bahri, P. & Soto, D. (2010). Interplay between affect and arousal in recognition memory. PLoS ONE, 5(7): e11739. Link 

Greene, C.M., Robertson, I.H., Gill, M. & Bellgrove, M.A. (2010). Dopaminergic genotype influences spatial bias in healthy adults. Neuropsychologia, 48(9):2458-64. Link

Greene, C.M., Bellgrove, M.A., Gill, M. & Robertson, I.H. (2009). Noradrenergic genotype predicts lapses in sustained attention. Neuropsychologia, 47(2), 591–594. Link 

Greene, C.M., Braet, W., Johnson, K.A. & Bellgrove, M.A. (2008). Imaging the genetics of executive functions. Biological Psychology, 79(1), 30-42. Link

Mahon, P., Greene B.R., Greene, C.M., Boylan, G.B., Shorten, G.D. (2008). Behaviour of Spectral Entropy, Spectral Edge Frequency 90% (SEF 90), and Alpha and Beta Power Parameters during Low-Dose Propofol Infusion. British Journal of Anaesthesiology, 101(2):213-21. Link


Recent conference presentations

Greene, C.M. Cognitive interventions to reduce false memories arising from fake news exposure.  Society for Applied Research in Cognition and Memory, 22nd July 2021

Greene, C.M. From Fake News to False Memories: Tracing the consequences of exposure to misinformation. Association for Psychological Science, 27 May 2021

Greene, C.M. Individual Differences in Perceptual Load Effects on Eyewitness Memory.  Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, Cape Cod MA, 8 Jun 2019.

Greene, C.M. & Farina, F. Memory specificity, but not perceptual load, affects susceptibility to misleading information.  Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, Cape Cod MA, 7 Jun 2019.

Greene, C.M., Murphy G, Levine L, Hofstein-Grady R, Loftus. Flashbulb Memories of Ireland’s Abortion Referendum. Psychonomic Society 59th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, 17 Nov 2018.

Murphy G, Loftus E, Hofstein-Grady R, Levine L, Greene C.M. False Memories for Fabricated Political Scandals During Ireland’s Abortion Referendum. Psychonomic Society 59th Annual Meeting, 15 Nov 2018.

Rodas J.A. & Greene C.M. Supporting Evidence That Response and Attentional Inhibition Do Not Share the Same Capacity in an Ecuadorian Sample. Psychonomic Society 59th Annual Meeting, 15 Nov 2018.

Greene C.M. & Schacter D. An episodic specificity interview reduces failures of eyewitness memory under high perceptual load
Psychonomic Society International Meeting, Amsterdam, 10 May 2018.

Greene, C.M. Failures of eyewitness memory under high perceptual load are reduced by an episodic specificity interview
British Psychological Society Annual Meeting, Nottingham, 2 May 2018.


Other publications

Greene, C.M. (2016). The more you know about a topic the more likely you are to have false memories about it. The Conversation.